Physiological Responses of Populus trichocarpa to Warming



This data set contains empirical physiological, morphological, and chemical data collected over time on Western Black Cottonwood (Populs trichocarpa Torr. & A.Gray ex Hook., Salicaceae) clones, between July and December 2019 at Oak Ridge National Lab. The project was designed to experimentally warm P. trichocarpa clones and assess their physiological acclimation of leaves versus roots. Branch cuttings of the Nisqually-1 genotype were obtained from the US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (JGI) in Stanford, California, and propagated in leach tubes. Ninety genetically identical clones were planted into specially constructed mesocosm growth boxes and grown for an initial six weeks in the greenhouse, and then grown at three temperature treatments for ten weeks. The daytime air temperatures of treatments were approximately 25°C, 29°C, and 33°C. Measurements on plant physiology and growth were conducted at various intervals throughout the experiment.

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