LIVVkit/evv4esm: EVV 0.5.0



We are pleased to present EVV 0.5.0 EVV provides a number of statistical climate reproducibility tests of Earth system models for non-bit-for-bit changes. Several changes are contained in this release. Major updates Implement Benjamini and Yekutieli (2001) method for false discovery rate correction in the MVK test This takes advantage of multiple concurrent tests to reduce erroneous rejection of null hypotheses P-values are adjusted then compared against the global significance level (0.05 by default), if any are below the threshold, the tests are considered climate changing (i.e. the ensembles are different) Minor improvements Add argument for output figure file format Use combined histogram plot for KS-ocean and KS-atmosphere tests Add sort-able tables to output Bug fixes Cast arrays to float, fix bug for loading new PGN data Fix doubly defined function Full Changelog:
Date made availableDec 4 2023

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