This dataset contains supporting documents and images for ESS-DIVE terrestrial model data archiving guidelines.Terrestrial models are broadly defined as numerical models that couple both land dynamics and energy, water, carbon, or nutrient fluxes. We created these guidelines based on input from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Biological and Environmental Research land modeling community. The guidelines are intended to help modelers determine which components of their terrestrial model data associated with publication should be archived. Based on input from the land modeling community, the guidelines recommend archiving both model input and testing data, as well as code, script, and metadata. The guidelines also recommend archiving model data output, depending on the limitations set by data repositories. Lastly, we provide recommendations for bundling data files for publication as well as a discussion about tools that can facilitate model data archiving and reuse.This dataset is an archive of the associated GitHub repository for our model archiving guidelines ( The ‘README.pdf’ file gives a general introduction to the guidelines, and the ‘instructions.pdf’ file provides more detailed steps for following the guidelines. We also provide 2 figures in this data package: 1) a decision tree (model_data_guidelines_decision_tree.png) that can help users determine which components of their model data to archive. and 2) the ‘model_data_guidelines_flmd.png’ file depicts the different files that can be archived in addition to the model data itself. Lastly, we include 3 digitized tables from our associated manuscript and 3 CSV files with anonymized input from DOE scientists about the importance of different aspects of model data archiving from which we developed the guidelines.Dataset updates for v1.1.0: We updated this data package on 2021-11-22 in response to review comments on our related manuscript. In this update we removed one figure so that the model archiving guidelines are conveyed in text rather than an image. We updated the file-level metadata (FLMD) figure to be in accord with the most recent FLMD recommendations. We made minor edits to the README file to update the recommended citation and added two co-authors. We also added 6 new data files (3 are anonymized input from DOE scientists that helped to inform guidelines, and 3 are digitized tables from our manuscript.