Eddy Flux and Meteorology over Deciduous Forest, Prairie, and Soybean Ecosystems in Missouri, USA, during the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017

  • Jeffrey D. Wood (Creator)
  • Edward J. Sadler (Creator)
  • Neil I. Fox (Creator)
  • Seth T. Greer (Creator)
  • Lianhong Gu (Creator)
  • Patrick E. Guinan (Creator)
  • Anthony R. Lupo (Creator)
  • Patrick S. Market (Creator)
  • Scott M. Rochette (Creator)
  • Angela Speck (Creator)
  • L. D. White (Creator)



Eddy fluxes and meteorology data are reported at high temporal resolution for three flux tower sites in Mid-Missouri before, during, and after the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017. This study investigated the effect of total solar eclipse on eddy fluxes and meteorology. Mid-Missouri experienced up to 2 minutes and 40 seconds of totality at around solar noon during the eclipse. The sites are located in deciduous oak-hickory forest, native prairie, and soybean ecosystems. Eddy fluxes were computed using a wavelet-based approach that permitted the calculation of two-minute mean fluxes without losing low frequency flux contributions. During the eclipse, standard meteorological variables were sampled and recorded at 5 second intervals. The two-minute means of fluxes and meteorology are reported. This dataset contains three data files in NetCDF (*.nc) format.



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