EAGLE-I Power Outage Data 2023.

  • Varisara Tansakul (Creator)
  • Aaron Myers (Creator)
  • Sarah Tennille (Creator)
  • Mitchell Broughton (Creator)
  • Matt Denman (Creator)
  • Alec Hamaker (Creator)
  • Jonathan Huihui (Creator)
  • Evelyn Johnson (Creator)
  • Kyle Medlen (Creator)
  • Robert Moncrief (Creator)
  • Faith Quinn (Creator)
  • Julio Ibanez (Creator)
  • Daniel Redmon (Creator)



The provided EAGLE-I historic dataset includes 1 year of power outage information at the county level for 2023 at 15-minute intervals collected by the EAGLE-I program at ORNL. The data has been collected from utility’s public outage maps using an ETL process. The dataset details FIPS code, county name, state name, total number of customers without power, and a date/timestamp. Also included is the EAGLE-I coverage of each state for each year. For detailed metadata, refer to the metadata DOI.



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