This dataset comprises of the input files and other files required for Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (ATS) simulations at 7 catchments across the continental United States. ATS is an integrated surface-subsurface hydrology model. We include Jupyter notebooks (within scripts folder) for individual catchments showing information (including data sources, river network, soil, geology, landuse types etc.) on preparing the machine readable input files. ATS observation output files are provided in the output folder. Figures and analyses (.xlsx sheets) are also provided. The catchments include, Taylor River Upstream (Colorado); (b) Cossatot River (Arkansas); (c) Panther Creek (Alabama); (d) Little Tennessee River (North Carolina and Georgia); (e) Mayo River (Virginia); (f) Flat Brook (New Jersey); (g) Neversink River headwaters (New York). Readme files are provided inside the directories providing more details. Files types include: .xml, .h5, .xlsx, .png, .ipynb, .py, .nc, .txt. All of the files types can be accessed by open source software, details on software requirements are following: .xml (any text editors including notepad and textedit), .h5 (in python using hdf libraries), .xlsx (WPS Office Spreadsheets, OpenOffice Calc, LibreOffice Calc, Microsoft Office etc.), .png (any image viewer), .ipynb (Jupyter notebook), .py (any text editors including notepad and textedit), .nc (using python or other open source software).